Audition Information
Currently all roles for our upcoming productions are filled.
Please check this page again later for future opportunities.
Sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of the page to be informed of new audition opportunities.

We hold open auditions for all of our productions and announce auditions dates usually two weeks in advance.
Auditions are generally announced at Monday Evening Readings and via our club mailing list.
Auditions are given in front of a casting panel consisting of at least the director and one member of the committee. The exact format of the auditions is the decision of the director.
The casting panel's decision is final and while the best candidate may not always be chosen, decisions are made for more reasons than just the audition performance. For example, there are questions of how each candidate will fit into the whole cast.
Candidates are normally informed of the results within two days of auditions.
Auditions are open to everyone - non-members and members. If cast, you are expected to become a member if you are not already.
Audition pieces are usually available at least one week in advance on the play's audition page.
Candidates are not expected to learn the audition pieces, but they should be familiar with them. You will not be penalised for keeping the script in your hand!
ZEST is an amateur group and no-one is paid for their participation in the production.
If cast, you are expected to commit to attending most rehearsals as well as all technical rehearsals and performances.
Candidates should complete an audition application form either online. If you have problems accessing or filling out the form, please email the audition panel instead.
Candidates should advise their intention to audition by any of the channels listed at the foot of the application form or by submitting a digital audition form.
Policy for actors stage combat and intimacy:
All scenes with physical contact between actors must be blocked by a member of the creative team (director, fight choreographer, AD, etc.)
No scene involving physical contact can be rehearsed without the presence of a member of the creative team
Changes to such scenes without express permission from a member of the creative team are grounds for immediate disciplinary action, such as exclusion from further productions.
If anyone has any concerns, they can be expressed in strictest confidence to any committee member anonymously and will be fully supported and acted upon.